Tuesday, July 8, 2008

T-minus one day

Here we are in Texas, dying to escape the 100-degree days for the lush, tropical landscape of northern Thailand. Everything except for the flying time is great -- we are flying from Dallas to Los Angeles (4 hrs), Los Angeles to Hong Kong (15 hrs), Hong Kong to Bangkok (4 hrs) and Bangkok to Chiang Mai (1 hr). All in all we are losing the entire 10th of July to travel and time zone changes.

In case you all were curious, Chiang Mai, Thailand is exactly twelve hours ahead of Central Time (midnight in Chiang Mai is noon in CST) and eleven hours ahead of Eastern Time (midnight in Chiang Mai is 1:00pm in EST).

Looking forward to relaying some good travel observations soon!! Our first of four consecutive flights leaves Dallas at around 9:45pm Central Time on Wednesday. Please pray for our safe travels. Also pray for our sanity as the second flight is going to be torture.



The Sullivans said...

I'll be praying for you guys! Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Jeraldine said...

You should be somewhere between Hong Kong and Chaing Mai by now...hope your travel has been swift and safe. Post something quick if you can when you get the chance so we know you're there...prayers and love to you both. Michele, Rodney, Dana, Aiden & Jeraldine